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Stanhope Prime Resources Inc.: Your Trusted Partner for Top-Quality Construction & Industrial Supplies

From Bolts & Nuts to Plumbing Solutions, Stanhope Prime Resources Inc. delivers premium products across the construction, industrial, automotive, and lighting sectors. Our extensive range, including durable pipes, fittings, and high-performance lighting, ensures you get the quality you need to complete your projects with confidence. Whether you're working on major construction or minor installations, trust Stanhope Prime Resources Inc. to provide reliable supplies that meet industry standards

A conventional manual call point is a fire alarm device designed to manually activate a fire alarm system during an emergency. Manual call points like these typically have a large, red, push-button switch that is mounted on a wall or other location that is easily accessible. When pressed, the manual call point sends a signal to the fire alarm system, which activates the alarm and alerts people in the building of the emergency.

Conventional Manual Call Point

SKU: 313
  • Conventional manual call points are usually installed in places with a risk of fire or other emergencies, such as schools, hospitals, offices, factories, and other buildings. They are usually installed in easily accessible locations so anyone can quickly activate the alarm to alert others to evacuate the building. Some building codes may even require that a conventional manual call point be installed in the building.

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